Suppressing Inflammation:
Inflammation is a major contributor to such diseases as cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and asthma to name a few.
Boswellia helps control the inflammatory cascade by targeting the pro-inflammatory enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). In the 1970s scientists discovered inflammatory effects distinct from NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. NSAIDs block Cox-2 and Cox-1 enzymes. The result of the Cox-1 block is irritation to the stomach and bleeding, kidney toxicity and peptic ulcers.
Boswellia has many potential uses related to inflammation. Potential uses include cancer management, lower atherosclerosis risk, improving arthritic symptoms and managing inflammatory bowel conditions as well as improving asthma symptoms. Studies have show inflammation reduction comparable to prednisone.
My best results occur when I used the triad of glucosamine (joint cartilage health), boswellia (inflammation) and fish oils (inflammation and blood thinning). Some of my patients have experienced results as good as they were getting with Bextra. Some of my rheumatoid patients have also experienced a decrease in their symptoms as well.
Cautions include: shellfish allergy and diabetes contraindications for glucosamine. Do not use with blood thinners (fish oils and glucosamine). Check with your doctor or pharmacist if taking prescription medications.
Anti-Aging News:
Resveratrol (a substance found in red grapes) has shown some of the same anti-aging effects realized with calorie restriction. Some of the following have been realized with supplementation:
- increased insulin sensitivity
- lower blood sugar
- enhanced mitochondrial energy production
- improved motor function
Studies have shown benefits in the areas of cardiovascular disease, cancer tumor grow suppression, inflammation and arthritis, protection of nerves and may help manage diabetes conditions as well as extending human life span. Drinking red wine is probably not the way to go. The Mediterranean diet or supplementation will likely be more beneficial without the bad side effects of alcohol consumption.