Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Health News Update


Marty is back to a full working schedule with no current residuals from her bout with acute gastritis.
Early intervention for neck and back and other joint and soft tissue complaints is important. Delaying care can result in more prolonged treatment or difficulty resolving complaints. If pain persists for more than a couple of days or radiates from a point, don't delay your care.

Pain, Nerve and Joint News:
  • Magnets: Scientific evidence does not support the use of magnets for pain relief. Studies have had mixed results and researchers suggest it may depend on the type of pain. A few studies suggest magnets may help provide some relief with osteoarthritic pain. More research is needed. Personally, they have helped me with wrist pain.
  • Meditation may help with pain control. Using the mind to control pain can be effective. Techniques such as neurolinguistic programming (NLP) methods can also help alter the way the brain perceives pain.
  • Pain: A synthetic form of marijuana, nabilone, reduces pain. Medical marijuana is effective for neurogenic pain but increases the risk of mental issues, especially schizophrenia in those susceptible.
  • Fibromyalgia: A recent review study shows fibromyalgia is real. Some doctors still think it is psychological. Gabapentin is effective for fibromyalgia pain.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Women are twice as likely to develop this condition as men. Doctors have found evidence that carpal tunnel syndrome develops after an injury shears the tissue that lines tendons within the carpal tunnel. As the injury heals, the resulting scar tissue impedes the sliding motion of the tendons, compresses the nerve, and cuts off the nerve's blood supply. The scarring fuses the tendons together, causing the pain and pressure buildup characteristic of the syndrome. Neurodynamics and instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (Graston) are two approaches addressing scar tissue and impeded movement of the tunnel contents (causes vs. treating symptoms). Dr. Riggs uses both instrument assisted and neurodynamic techniques.
  • Chili peppers (capsaicin) helps block pain when combined with a local anesthetic (QX314). One in four people experience pain as part of their daily life.
  • Chiropractic safety: In the past 65 years of history between 1934 and 1999, there have been only 19 deaths associated in some way shape or form with chiropractic care. If one person were to review all 19 deaths at a rate of 1 case per day, it would take only 19 days. If we considered the same in medicine, it would take 542 separate people their entire lives, reviewing one case per day, to review the 14,625,000 deaths due to medical mistakes, drug reactions, and botched surgeries over the same period. Another way to look at it, it would take one person 40,068 years to review the deaths due to medical mistakes compared to only 19 days for chiropractic related deaths.

  • Low Vitamin D is linked to back pain in older women. Vitamin D may help protect against peripheral artery disease. Low vitamin D is linked with depression in a Dutch study.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) relieves muscle damage in athletes.
  • Green tea antioxidant (EGCG) reduces breast cancer growth in animals. It also combats oxidative damage from exercise.
  • Macadamia nuts help reduce cholesterol.
  • DHEA helps inhibit inflammation in the cells lining blood vessels.
  • Melatonin- has been used as a nutritional sleep aid due to its ability to regulate the body’s “master clock”. This hormone also has other benefits-anti-inflammatory effects similar to NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin) without the stomach issues; protection against brain injuries after trauma or ischemia (lack of blood supply); prevents many cognitive deficits of aging and heart deficits following injury. It may also help relieve GERD (reflux) and help heal gastric ulcers. Studies have also suggested it may help with various cancers. Due to blood thinning characteristics and sedative effects-Do not use if taking warfarin (Coumadin), fluvoxamine (Luvox), or nifedipine (Procardia), or with sedating drugs or supplements. Talk to your prescribing physician if you do.
  • Migraines-butterbur (petasites hybridus) may cut frequency of migraines by up to 50% in long-term sufferers. It also helps with seasonal allergies and asthma.

  • Insulin Resistance, metabolic disease and heart attack-most people with heart disease and diabetes are insulin-resistant leading to increased risk of heart attack and stroke; Metabolic Syndrome (elevated blood sugar, increased triglycerides, reduced HDL, heightened inflammation). Insulin resistance and inflammation can be reduced by supplements and lifestyle strategies. Fish oil, chromium, white bean extract, DHEA, vitamin D, lipoic acid, magnesium, cinnamon, beta glucans, reservatrol, and polyphenols (cocoa, green tea, apples).
  • Fibromyalgia may be linked to a central nervous system problem with sensory processing. Cymbalta has been approved for fibromyalgia.
    Moderate alcohol consumption may lower risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (from Scandinavia).
  • Naftidrofury, a drug that relaxes blood vessels, eases leg pain with walking.
    Amitiza (lubiprostone) has been approved by the FDA for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C).
  • Anticholinergic drugs used for such things as overactive bladder, motion sickness and asthma may hasten mental and physical functional decline in older adults. Bladder medications were the most problematic.
  • Enbrel a drug for rheumatoid arthritis appears to help improve cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Anti-depressants may increase your risk for gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Losing weight, stop smoking, lower cholesterol and taking an aspirin a day may significantly lower heart attacks and strokes. Aspirin is gastro-erosive (eats up the stomach lining).

TEST YOUR BRAIN AGE: Click or past this link and see you’re your brain age is: http://brainwaves.corante.com/archives/2008/06/19/whats_your_brain_age_take_this_7_minute_test.php.