MAINTENANCE CARE: The majority of joint, muscle and nerve problems tend to be recurring. Why? Is it because you came to the chiropractor? You know the old statement-once you go to a chiropractor you have to keep going. Not true. No, nada, nein, nyet, Ii, ikke (English, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese, Norwegian). The simple truth is that problems with joints and the surrounding tissue tend to be progressive. This is due to poor conditioning, trauma, developing arthritis, scar tissue, postural distortions, health habits and good old aging among other things.
MAINTENANCE CARE is getting treated/adjusted regularly to slow down or prevent problems. It is the same as going to the dentist and getting your teeth cleaned or having a mammogram or annual physical. Maintenance care also allows regular monitoring of problem areas to head off more serious problems or deterioration. Letting problems go for more than a few days or longer is not healthy either. Many patients do well with treatment monthly or every six weeks. Some patients do well every 2-3 months. Let us know if you'd like to be on regular maintenance and we can put you on a call or e-mail schedule on our books to drop you a line when it gets about time for a follow up.
News From Nutrition:
Fish Oil Tops Defibrillators in Preventing Cardiac Death: a recent report suggests that Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils is associated with reduced risk of fatal heart rhythms (arrythmias). Supplementation is estimated to reduce deaths by about 6.4%.More About Fish Oils: doses above 3000 mg have been shown to lower fibrinogen levels (cardiac and cancer risk factor). Unbelievable-a drug company has now come up with a prescription fish oil costing a mere $237 per bottle which they are trying to get the cardiologists to prescribed. It takes 5 capsules of over the counter fish oil to do what 4 of their capsules does. So taken another over the counter capsule at about $40 a bottle for a month's supply.
Conflicts of Interest/Media Reporting of Studies: Read nutritional reports carefully and preferably the original study. The media reporting of results is often inaccurate and misleading. In a recent study where glucosamine was compared with Celebrex, it was reported that glucosamine was not effective. Actually, it was more effective for moderate-severe pain and not significantly for slight pain. Celebrex was reported effective but actually was little more effective than a placebo. Interestingly, the glucosamine benefits were downplayed and the Celebrex results exaggerated. They were not using the commonly used form of glucosamine sulfate but were using glucosamine hydrochloride. One thing to check is to see if critics and researchers are taking fees from the drug manufacturer. Many of this study were-Objective. Not!
Promoting Stomach Health Naturally: statistics show tens of millions of Americans are infected with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) , the culprit in the majority of stomach ulcers. Nutritional and herbal agents can help support stomach health by relieving inflammation, promotion healing and defending against H. pylori. A combination of zinc and L-carnosine inhibits H. pylori. This complex is available as a supplement and is biochemically identical to the Japanese drug polaprenzinc used for ulcers. This combination enhances healing of the stomach lining due to its anti-inflammatory properties and promotes tissue repair and healing. Licorice extract also heals the stomach lining and blocks H. pylori growth. Cranberry may also retard H. pylori growth by preventing bacterial adhesion to the gastric cells, disrupting the H. pyloric membrane, inhibiting a bacterial enzyme and disrupting energy production as well as via its anti-oxidant properties.
REFLUX: Orange Peel Extract- a substance in orange peel called d-limonene may help reduce reflux symptoms (GERD). Studies are underway on possible cancer fighting benefits as well as antibacterial and antiviral effects. It may also help with other GI disorders. GERD sufferers should avoid: smoking, chocolate, tomatoes, raw onions, garlic, black pepper, vinegar, peppermint, spicy/fatty foods, caffeinated and carbonated beverages and lying down within 3 hours of eating.
Dr. Riggs’ Comment: Please check on the side effects of any nutritional supplement and its possible drug interactions, especially for licorice. Also, bismuth which is found in pepto bismol has been found to help kill off the H. pylori bacteria and aid in healing.
Weight Loss/Appetite Control: Most have heard of hoodia the San tribe from Africa's appetite suppressant. Another nutritional appetite suppressant is the Korean pine nut (pinolenic acid). Apparently, this lowers appetite while improving insulin usage by cells.
HEART HEALTH: pomegranate may reduce or reverse atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) as well as reducing cardiovascular risk by lower LDL, improving heart blood flow and lower blood pressure. It may also lower PSA in men which is a marker in prostate cancer. It may also have anti-tumor effects against breast cancer. The juice is a highly absorbable anti-oxidant.
News from pain management:
Carpal Tunnel Pain: A recent study by the Mayo Clinic suggests the carpal tunnel syndrome disease process begins with a shearing injury. The resulting scar tissue from healing impedes the sliding motion of the tendon, compresses the median nerve, cuts off the nerve’s blood supply and eventually leads to the pressure buildup characteristic of carpal tunnel syndrome. It results in the carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms of hand pain, numbness and tingling. The study may lead to new treatments for the syndrome.
Dr. Riggs’ comments: deep tissue myofascial release will often help mild to moderate cases that have been present for a short time. I personally feel the instrument assisted version of deep tissue work to release scar tissue adhesions gives my patients the best results. If the scar tissue can be reached with the deep tissue work, it generally will improve. Graston technique is useful with cases that are mild to moderate without permanent nerve injury. Dr. Riggs is the only Graston trained health care provider west of Dallas/Fort Worth. The next closest is Albuquerque. This technique if effect on scar tissue and chronic soft tissue injuries.
Pain Management: A recent evaluation by the University of Wisconsin shows Michigan and Virginia to be the better states for pain management. Texas was in the bottom category and got an average rating. The past 3 studies show Texas did not improve over several years.
Rehab: most painful problems have a soft tissue problem accompanying a joint problem. If the problem is due to an injury or due to out of shape muscles, it is important to restrengthen or recondition the muscle. Some of these exercises can be done at home: balance balls, balance exercises, core strengthening, etc. They should not be done without guidance and follow up under the direction of a qualified health care provider. Dr. Riggs will happily discuss any exercise or strengthening concerns you may have.
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