Tuesday, November 21, 2006

More on Cranberries

Cranberries have other benefits as well, according to researchers at Rutgers University. They are full of anti0xidants which protect against free radical damage. The NIH is researching its potential in heart disease, yeast infections, cancer, stroke and viral infections. So far, research has found:
  • drinking cranberry juice can block urinary infections by preventing bacterial from binding to cell walls
  • proanthocyanidine in cranberries prevents plaque formation on teeth and mouthwashes are being developed.
  • regular consumption of cranberry juice for months in some people can kill the H. pylori bacteria which can cause ulcers and stomach cancer.
  • drinking cranberry juice daily may increase HDLs (good cholesterol) and lower LDLs (bad cholesterol).
  • cranberries may prevent tumors from growing rapidly or starting in the first place.
  • chemicals in cranberries prevent breast cancer cells from multiplying in test tubes-it is unkown whether it will work in women.

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