Tuesday, November 21, 2006

NSAIDs and more

NSAIDs-non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (aspirin, ibuprofen) can increase blood pressure by 3-5 mmHg which can significantly increase the frequency of cardiovascular events such as: congestive heart failure, stroke, and angina.

Whiplash Associated Disorders: motor vehicle trauma results in a number of musculoskeletal injuries every year. Proper healing generally requires treatment intervention. Doctors of Chiropractic are frequently the best choice of providers due to their training and experience in dealing with joint problems and soft tissue trauma. Improper and delayed treatment can lead to long term pain and dysfunction and early onset of degenerative changes. The chiropractic approach of joint manipulation/mobilization, soft tissue therapy/scar tissue therapy, pain control therapy and rehabilitation are successful approaches to most cases of whiplash injuries.

Please drive carefully over the holidays.

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